Frequently Asked Questions

How can we arrange a visit to see the school?

Please send an email to to schedule a visit to the campus.

Is there an enrollment deadline?

No. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

When does the SCA school year begin?

SCA currently uses a US-based calendar with modifications for the southern hemisphere seasons and Chilean holidays.

The first semester is from August through mid-December. The second semester is from March through early July.

Does SCA have services for students with special needs?

No. SCA is not equipped with the personnel to provide services for students with special needs.

How is grade placement determined?

The school administration considers age, grade, records from previous schools, testing, and evaluations to determine grade placement.

Students applying from other school systems with a differing school calendar most frequently will be required to repeat a semester of studies already completed.

Each case is considered individually to determine what is most appropriate for the applicant.

Does SCA have an athletics program?

No. SCA does not have an athletics program. Students participate in PE classes two times per week.

As after-school / sports activities become available, information is sent out to families. (see the question regarding after-school activities).

Are students required to wear uniforms?

Yes. All students must wear uniforms, as described in the Student Handbook.

Does SCA have after-school activities?

SCA has offered after-school activities that vary from year to year. The following is a list of activities that are currently offered:

Dance -Monday & Wednesdays, 1st to 6th Grades
Soccer - Mondays, 1st to 6th Grades

Phonics Fun- Monday through Thursday, 1st to 6th Grades

Martial Arts- Monday & Wednesday, 1st -to 6th Grades

Volleyball- Tuesday & Thursday, 7th to 12th Grade
Piano- Tuesday & Thursday, 1st to 6th Grade

*Ultimate Frisbee - Tuesday & Thursdays, 3rd to 12th Grades

These opportunities are not included in the normal school fees (with the exception of frisbee*).

Are all student materials included in the Student Fee?

All student textbooks, class materials, and field trip expenses are included in the Student Fee. Personal school supplies are not included in the Student Fee. Each grade's supply list is made available to parents before the start of each semester.

Is SCA bilingual?

SCA is not considered to be a bilingual school. All instruction is given in English, using English textbooks.

Students in grades 1-12 receive two Spanish instruction classes per week.


Transportation must be arranged and contracted by the parents.

Does SCA have a food service?

No. At this current time, there is no outside food service or lunch options available. Students must bring their own lunch from home and meals that do not require heating. Due to the pandemic, microwave use is not permitted until further notice.

What curriculum does SCA use?

SCA uses Saxon math curriculum for all math courses from Kindergarten through high school, with the exception of geometry (BJU) and personal finance (Ramsey Solutions). All other curriculum is from Christian publishers, primarily from BJU Press, but also includes textbooks from Purposeful Design, Abeka, and Positive Action for Christ. All subjects are taught from a Biblical perspective.

How much emphasis if given to Biblical teachings at SCA?

Biblical principles are integrated into every subject and every part of school life at SCA. All students study the Bible as an academic core subject. Students at all grade levels attend age-appropriate chapel sessions once per week.